Ultrasonic cleaning of back
Ultrasonic back cleaning is a method of hardware cosmetology, which is more delicate, soft and safe compared to mechanical cleaning.
Ultrasound can effectively eliminate keratinized cells, clean the pores of dirt, get rid of blockages of the sebaceous glands, and activate the metabolic processes in the cells.
The duration of the procedure is approximately 60-80 minutes. Ultrasonic cleaning will not leave redness on your back – you can wear open dresses or t-shirts the next day. In addition, the procedure is painless.

Mechanical cleaning of the back
Mechanical cleaning allows you to remove blackheads, comedones, greasy plugs and miliums. The procedure is performed manually by a cosmetologist using a special UNO spoon. As a rule, the back cleaning procedure lasts about 1.5 hours.
It is important to remember that mechanical cleaning of the back can be accompanied by some painful sensations. In addition, redness and discomfort may persist for another two weeks after the procedure.However, after these temporary inconveniences, your back skin will remain clean, velvety and beautiful for a long time.