To date, ULTRASONIC CAVITATION — Anti-CELLULITE PROGRAM is a method that affects almost all links in the pathogenesis of cellulite.
It not only corrects the visible manifestations of cellulite, but also eliminates the causes of its occurrence. The course of the anti-cellulite program gives a result that persists for a long time. Short maintenance courses once a year allow you to forget about such a problem as cellulite.
A specially selected frequency of ultrasound destroys fat cells; rough collagen fibers, which form the well-known “orange peel” soften and completely disappear.
The procedure is perfectly combined with an infrared sauna, vacuum massage, wraps, and myostimulation. The combined use of these procedures and ultrasonic cavitation can increase the effectiveness of cellulite treatment, prevent the processes of skin aging.
After a course of cavitation, you get smooth, elastic skin without signs of cellulite, in addition, the volume of the thighs and buttocks is reduced, the “riding-breeches” is corrected. The procedure includes both direct cavitation and lymphatic drainage, aimed at removing the breakdown products of fat cells from the body.
The effect of the procedure is noticeable after the first session and increases with each subsequent procedure. In one session, you can on average remove up to 15 cubic centimeters of fat, which is equal to the loss of 3-5 centimeters in the waist.