Vacuum massage

Massage using a pneumatic suction Cup, which creates negative pressure inside. Improves blood circulation, increases skin elasticity.

An effective preventive technique aimed at anti-aging of the body.

The ability to create an individual course, based on the condition and type of skin.

The procedure is painless.

What is vacuum massage?

Vacuum massage is a hardware procedure used for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. Impact on the problem areas is carried out using a special suction Cup, which is supplied with thin air.For treatment with a vacuum, there are a number of indications and contraindications.

For cosmetic purposes, vacuum massage is performed to activate blood flow processes, tissues begin to be better supplied with oxygen, lymphatic drainage is activated, and metabolism is enhanced.

All this helps to significantly increase skin tone, activate the production of elastin and collagen, eliminate small wrinkles, cope with cellulite, eliminate fat deposits. The volume is significantly reduced, the skin looks smooth, taut and even.

For therapeutic purposes, hardware vacuum massage is prescribed for colds, muscle pain and spasms, edema, to activate the metabolism, to eliminate headaches, treat nervous disorders, insomnia.

    Photos BEFORE and AFTER

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    • Diseases of the digestive system
    • Inflammatory diseases of the male and female genitals
    • The presence of cellulite
    • Excess weight
    • Dermalgia
    • Myalgias
    • Scarring and stretch marks
    • Skin flabbiness
    • Metabolic disorder
    • Discirculatory systems
    • Backache: neck-collar zone, lower back area
    • Diseases of the hair
    • Preparation for plastic surgery and rehabilitation after it
    • the presence of implants or a pacemaker in the area of action
    • Oncology and suspicion of it
    • recent surgeries and invasive procedures, especially in the Vela Shape impact zone
    • immune diseases
    • diabetes
    • cardiovascular problems
    • varicose veins
    • any abnormalities in the blood clotting system
    • gynecological diseases
    • pregnancy, lactation and the first six months after birth, when the hormonal system is leveled
    • skin diseases in the active or fading phase
    • the presence of protruding moles, papillomas, wounds, rashes and any problems in the affected area
    • прием вызывающих фоточувствительность продуктов и препаратов
    • A separate point is to highlight obesity, which is suitable for its manifestations under the indications, but is not a cosmetic defect, but a systemic disease.

    About procedure

    Duration of the procedure:

    10-30 minutes

    Recommended course:

    5-15 procedures


    1 session every 4-5 days


    Increase skin firmness, elasticity and tone
    Improves lymph flow, removes toxins and removes edema
    Relaxation and stress relief after intense exertion, fatigue and stress
    Tissue oxygen saturation is accelerated and metabolism is normalized
    Elimination of cellulite, folds and subcutaneous deposits
    Elimination of fibrotic nodes in several sessions; correction of body

    Vacuum massage

    The number of therapeutic procedures is selected individually for each patient. For a complete cure, usually enough from 6 to 20 procedures.

    Activation of the metabolism helps to rid the body of skags and toxins without the use of additional cleansing methods. When removing muscle pain, the result is evident from the third procedure. This is due to the rapid relaxation of the muscles and the elimination of congestion.

    Therapeutic massage is performed in the area of the collar zone, neck, back, lower back, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, and shins. When the internal organs are lowered, the massage is performed in the abdominal area. In the treatment of hypertension, angina, vegetative-vascular dystonia, vacuum apparatus massage is combined with medication, acupuncture, manual therapy.

    In addition to the therapeutic effect, hardware vacuum massage has a general health-improving effect.

    Contraindications to hardware vacuum massage are:

    birthmarks in the affected area, age spots, inflammatory and systemic skin diseases, blood diseases, cancer, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, implanted pacemaker, tuberculosis, lung abscess, infectious diseases.

    Compatibility with other health-improving and preventive methods

    The greatest effectiveness of vacuum massage is observed when it is carried out in conjunction with other activities, such as cosmetic wraps, the use of anti-cellulite creams, sports, manual classical or acupressure. And of course, if you decide to get the way of improving the body, fighting excess weight, cellulite and unhealthy skin, you can not do without giving up bad habits and proper nutrition.

    And don’t forget to drink water! Otherwise, everything is meaningless, because to increase the circulation of blood and lymph, you need to have something to circulate. This is the only way to actively remove fat cell breakdown products, slags and toxins from the body.


    Vacuum massage course is good to conduct 2-3 times a week, because changes in the subcutaneous tissue occur slowly.

    Massage can be performed, but it will not accelerate the changes occurring in the subcutaneous fat layer. Optimally every other day. Try not to allow a break between sessions for more than 3-4 days.

    The visible effect appears after 3-5-7 sessions (all individually). After a course of vacuum massage, a delayed effect is possible, so the maximum result may appear in 10-14 days after the end of the massage course.

    The appearance of cellulite areas always improves, but the degree of improvement is different for everyone. The physiological structure and metabolic processes are also different for everyone.

    Vacuum massage prices

    Vacuum massage – lymphatic drainage
    1 Procedure5 Procedures10 Procedures
    Vacuum massage 20 min45 €190 €350 €
    Vacuum massage 40 min75 €310 €580 €

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