Lipolaser — laser lipolysis

Fat cells, due to their small size and small molecular weight, as well as the increased permeability of the adipocyte shell, freely exit into the surrounding intercellular space and enter the liver through the lymphatic ducts. There, they are used as a source of energy and material for building new cells, and the excess is excreted from the body with bile and urine. The fat cells themselves, after the fat leaves them, significantly decrease in volume and disintegrate, which is reflected in the contours of the body due to a decrease in its volume. This effect is based on the same processes that occur in the body when weight loss occurs naturally.
General recommendations for the procedure of cold laser lipolysis:

The duration of one session of laser lipolysis (lipolaser) depends on the area of the body and takes an average of 30 minutes. The recommended course is 10 procedures of laser lipolysis (lipolaser), two or three times a week. The optimal break between sessions is from 48 to 72 hours!
Clinical studies have shown that the laser-generated pores in fat cells remain open for 24 to 72 hours. In order to keep the pore open for a longer period to achieve maximum results, the optimal interval between treatments is 48 hours. It is not recommended to skip procedures or exceed the time between sessions by more than 72 hours. This can significantly weaken the effect of exposure!
During the course of procedures, you must drink at least two liters of clean water every day — throughout the course!