By speeding up the exchange processes, the procedure not only helps to restore normal blood and lymph circulation, but also to remove waste elements from the body, eliminate edema, eliminate the problem of tired legs, strengthen blood vessels, increase skin tone, align the subcutaneous fat layer (that is, within the framework of a specialized course, it helps to solve the problem of lipodystrophy, or “cellulite”) and reduce weight.
In addition, pressotherapy is successfully used for the treatment of certain diseases of the venous system, constipation, in the treatment of post-traumatic and post-operative edema and hematomas; it is prescribed (due to spasmolytic and vasodilating effects) and to relieve General fatigue, muscle pain and spasms, increase immunity and relaxation. The procedure is very pleasant in itself and is liked by everyone who has tried it; it is especially recommended for pregnant women suffering from leg edema (II and III trimesters), persons engaged in static – sedentary or standing-up – work (transport drivers, office workers, teachers, security staff, hairdressers, etc.); to no lesser extent, this procedure is indicated for people who are overweight, have edema, “orange peel”, sagging skin and muscles, permanent fatigue. The procedure has proved to be an excellent tool for preventing varicose veins and thrombosis (primarily necessary for those with a family history of pathology) and in many other cases.

In aesthetic medicine, pressotherapy is perfectly combined with other methods of treating obesity, “cellulite” and figure correction, for example, with compression lipolytic or lifting banding (or “wrapping”). In this case, after peeling the body and shower, banding is performed, the body is wrapped in a procedural tape, covered with a thermal blanket – a banding session is held. And then comes session of pressotherapy. If you want or lack of time, the methods can be combined: wrapping the body in a tape, perform pressotherapy directly on the active compound under the tape. In both cases, the effectiveness of the impact is greatly increased, and the results are not only faster, but also more productive.